Individual Membership: $65.00.
Family Membership: $10.00 extra
Membership lasts one year. From April 1st to March 31 of the following year.
If you join prior to April 1st - the same price applies.
If this is your first time joining the CTA - you are eligible for the 50% discount.
Enter Promo Code - NEW2CTA
- If you refered a new member you are eligible for the 50% discount.
Enter Promo Code - REF2CTA
Memberships include
-access to the full website and newsletter
-annual issue of Canadian Taxidermist
-chance to compete in the National Taxidermy Competition
-invitation to the Candian Taxidermists Association annual convention with seminars
-networking opportunities with taxidermists across Canada
-marketing opportunities for your business
-annual private workshops with experienced taxidermists
The CTA is not a Taxidermy School. We are a non-for-profit organization that brings taxidermists together of all skill level and provides the benefits mentioned above.
If you are looking for ways to learn taxidermy - you can download BM Sports Catalogue featuring various resources for beginners. CLICK IMAGE BELOW
Please make cheques or money orders payable to The Canadian Taxidermists Association